Look who's been talkin'...
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“For women who travel, or have relocated to a new city, a like-minded social circle is now quickly within reach.”
"I think about my first VINA date, and remember that we have plans to hang out the next day. I tell my friend yes, she should use it. Yes, to women everywhere. What do you have to lose?"
“The app itself attempts to fix an oft-bemoaned problem that many adults encounter: Outside of work, where can you make friends? Can it be done? All evidence points to yes, and maybe this app will make it easier.”
“If you’re looking for a new BFF, your own #girlsquad or simply someone to have an occasional coffee with, be sure to check out Hey! VINA when it comes to your neighborhood."
"Hey! VINA will probably be a blast to test out. And, yes, it's really NOT a dating app… Expanded female friend circle, here we come!”
"Sparking a friendship via an app doesn't seem too different than IRL. The next day, we were already planning future discussions about our favorite podcast and shine theory: the consensus that powerful women make the greatest friends."