for women, by women.
I created Hey! VINA on the simple premise that it only takes one friend to change our entire lives, and that nothing makes us feel more confident, secure, happy, and free than a supportive group of friends! When women have the tools to connect, support, and empower each other, we can truly change the world for the better... together.
The VINA team and I couldn’t be more proud of the life-changing friendships that have developed from the millions of dittos on Hey! VINA. Women in 158 countries around the world have met their best friends, travel partners, roommates, and bridesmaids—all from a simple right swipe.
I hope you feel inspired by the friendships and adventures that have blossomed through our technology.
Olivia June
Founder & CEO, VINA
Wanna learn more ABOUT OLIVIA?
📸 Follow OLIVIA JUNE on Instagram
📖 Read HER articles on Vinazine 👀
We're hiring - join us!
We're on a mission to connect, celebrate, and empower women around the world. And we'd love to add your unique brains and beauty to the team.
View open positions and learn what it's like to be a vina in our sunny San Francisco loft.
““When picturing a tech startup, the stereotype is common: a group of boyish-looking, hoodie-clad men huddled around computers, likely sipping energy drinks into the wee hours of the morning. While the image may not be 100 percent accurate in every case, it’s true that the tech world, and in particular, the rapidly growing app industry, is a place that is largely male-dominated—an episode of Silicon Valley alone could show that. But in spite of the gender imbalance, some of the most impressive apps have been brainstormed, developed, and brought to fruition by women.””